Where is the oil drain plug located?
The oil drain plug is a large nut or plug located under the oil pan on the underside of the engine. If you cannot easily reach the oil drain plug, you will need to drive under the car or lift it with a jack.
What are the most common sizes of oil drain plugs?
Standard oil drain plug – thread M14 -1.5 – head size 17 mm | eBay.
How do I know what size oil drain plug to use?
The diameter of the oil drain plug is measured in millimeters using a digital caliper. The width is measured at the base of the bolt, and at the thickest part of the bolt.
Are all oil drain plugs the same size?
There is no generality to the size of oil drain plugs, only some commonly used sizes. In an automotive repair shop, the plugs do not need to be replaced and are reusable in most cases. The only disposable parts are the washers and the gaskets.
Are seals installed on all oil drain plugs?
The seals on the drain plugs have not been replaced. Gaskets used on oil drain plugs are either disposable or reusable. Increasingly, manufacturers are using copper washers and gaskets that deform when the drain plug is tightened.
What causes the oil drain plug to strip?
The most common causes of this phenomenon are valve covers screwed into aluminum cylinder heads, intake manifolds, and oil pan drain plugs screwed into aluminum oil pans. Stripping the oil drain plug is particularly frustrating because the oil drain plug remains loose and constantly leaks oil.
Are oil drain plug seals universal?
Engine oil drain plug seals are available in various quantities. It is recommended that they be replaced at every oil change. There are two types of seals: universal seals and direct-attach seals.
How often should the oil drain plug be replaced?
Correctly tightening the oil drain plug at each oil change will extend the life of the engine. in 20 years, the drain plug has never been removed.
How much does it cost to replace the oil drain plug?
Generally, $100 to $350, but some models cost more. Oil pan gasket replacements are available for between $40 and $150. Parts are not the most expensive part of the repair, but the cost of labor is very important.
Are all oil drain plugs the same?
Drain pans are not all designed the same, so different models of vehicles require different drain plugs. The design of the oil drain plug is just as important as any other automotive component or system. Some car models have reinforced drain holes and some do not.
Magnetic oil drain plug
Ever thought of putting a metal fragment trap in the engine? Then it’s time to do it! Because, despite the state-of-the-art materials used in the construction of the engines, every powertrain (and, in particular, even a new engine) is subject to wear. Each revolution of the crankshaft and gear shift produces tiny metal chips which are dipped in the engine oil and blown into every corner. Here is where a magnetic oil drain screw helps!
A magnetic oil drain screw, in place of the original drain screw, removes any trace of the finest metal shavings from the engine oil circuit, thus increasing the useful life of your engine. At a price that is nowhere near comparable to that of a new engine.
- The supply includes the sealing ring
- Strictly observe the assembly instructions in the “Documents” section of our website
- If you can’t find the right exhaust screw for your bike right away, look for it in the motorcycle database with the search option available in the appropriate window on the product page.
Wire length: 12 mm
M12 x 1.25 (10002906)
M12 x 1.50 (10012304)
M14 x 1.25 (10012305)
M14 x 1.50 (10012306)
M16 x 1.50 (10012307)
M18 x 1.50 (10002917)
Wire length: 14 mm
M20 x 1.50 (10010066)
M22 x 1.50 (10012310)
M24 x 2.00 (10012311)

Hi, I am David Bailey a dedicated writer from Linden Bridge School with a degree in mechanical engineering and a degree in marketing. I strive to simplify complex subjects and like to explain complex and technical matters in an easy-to-understand manner. Read More Here